Contact Info

One Property Grp
618 Fish Crk Thoroughfare S100, Montgomery, TX 77316
Phone: (936) 777-8663
Send Email (936) 777-8663

About Me

I'm a Georgia native and moved to Texas as fast as I could after meeting the love of my life in 2011. My husband and I now reside in Montgomery.

With a background spanning nine years in the non-profit sector, specializing in human services development, I discovered my passion for serving others. During the devastating hurricane Harvey in 2017, my husband and I sold our Georgia home, purchased another in Texas, and facilitated the move of my father from Georgia to Texas, where we created a comfortable "father-in-law" apartment in our new home to ensure his independence and privacy for as long as possible.

Through caring for my father alongside my husband and cherished friends, I witnessed the challenges seniors, and their children face in accessing even the most basic assistance. Following my father's passing in 2019, I applied the knowledge and skills gained from his care to help others facing similar situations. Thus, Generations Concierge, TX was born in 2022. We specialize in senior move management, offering comprehensive services to facilitate the transition from a lifelong home to the next stage of life, as well as assisting with the sale of their previous home. Recognizing the common struggle of families left with an empty house and unfamiliarity with real estate agents, I became a licensed real estate agent in Texas.

As a trusted real estate agent with expertise and training in the senior industry, my primary focus is guiding seniors and their families in making informed decisions about their future. I hold memberships in esteemed organizations such as the National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers (NASMM), the National Notary Association (NNA), and I serve as the 2023 Chairman of the Board for the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, I am an Assistant Director and board member of the Montgomery County Association of Business Women, overseeing membership and diplomatic affairs.

I'm thrilled to be part of One Pr